S2 E9. You DO Have Time to Prioritize Your Wellness

S2 E9. You DO Have Time to Prioritize Your Wellness



Educators are under tremendous workloads in a sector that is under-funded and under-paid - which absolutely contributes to a valid feeling of time scarcity among educators. We have to acknowledge these constraints and we also have to acknowledge that as individual people within this damaged system, we can only do what is within our control.

In this episode I talk about the importance of boundaries and the proper mindset to ensure you can continue to prioritize what matters most. The good news is these changes are absolutely within your control to shift your response to create more space for yourself and your wellness over time.

If you’d like to learn more about what it takes to reset your nervous system you’re invited to join me for a FREE live, private training ‘3 Ways to Reduce Stress, Invite Calm, and Reset Your Nervous System as a Black Educator’ happening in just 4 weeks! Feel free to register for this FREE training at (BalancedBlackEducator.com/reset) I promise you’ll learn something new and get to know a little more about me and the work I do!

The Balanced Black Educator podcast is a conversation with Dr. Siobhan D. Flowers about all things at the intersection of education and mental wellness for Black educators from K12 to Higher Ed.

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The hashtag for the podcast is #BBEinClass.

This episode is brought to you by:

My FREE Live, Private Training on Jan. 8th at 1pm Central.

‘3 Ways to Reduce Stress, Invite Calm, and Reset Your Nervous System’

Register for FREE here:

I'm Ready For a FREE RESET!

 Links mentioned in this episode:



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If you’re looking for a community of Black educators who are all working to focus on prioritizing our mental wellness, join us here.

Send questions to “Ask Dr. Flowers”

You can now send questions for the upcoming “Ask Dr. Flowers” segment that’s coming to Balanced Black Educator. Once I get a pool of questions to select from, I can begin rolling out this segment. Just fill out the form here and include hashtag #AskDrFlowers.

Social Media Info 

Instagram and Facebook - @BalancedBlackEducator

Facebook GROUP:
Balanced Black Educator: Stress & Wellness Support with Dr. Siobhan D Flowers


For more valuable information, please visit the website at BalancedBlackEducator.com


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